
The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical or legal advice, and no information contained within (including any general information about medical or legal matters) should be considered or relied upon as medical or legal advice on any specific matter. You should not act solely on the information in these materials. You should consult an attorney when appropriate for individual advice regarding your own situation.

These materials are not guaranteed to be correct or up to date and may not reflect the most current legal or medical developments. The links in these materials are provided without endorsement and we assume no responsibility for the contents of those other websites.

Want to submit a news item to display on
Email Liz Taylor or call (919) 809-5618.

New Resource: Best Practices: care Transition for Individuals at Risk of Suicide

February 25, 2025

Please review the resource from NC Public Health on ways to help reduce suicide risk for discharged ED patients.

NCMB’s Latest MedBoard Matters Podcast – Discussing Violence in the Healthcare Workplace and Featuring an Interview with Dr. Timothy Reeder

June 12, 2024

NCMB has just released the latest episode of the MedBoard Matters podcast. This episode discusses violence in the healthcare workplace, featuring an interview with Dr. Timothy Reeder who was the primary sponsor of the Hospital Violence Protection Act that has now become North Carolina law. You can access the podcast episode here or at their podcast show page.

NCDHHS: Historic Medicaid Reimbursement Rate Increases Coming Soon. Who Will be Impacted?

November 17, 2023

NC DHHS announced historic Medicaid reimbursement rate increases for most mental health, substance use, intellectual and developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injury services in North Carolina. Read additional details here.

ACEP Resolutions

October 25, 2023

Here is a summary of the resolutions adopted by the 2023 Council and the resolutions requiring action by the Board of Directors, including the referred resolutions. All resolutions that were adopted by the Council were ratified by the Board on October 12.

NCDHHS Telehealth Policy Evaluation Brief

September 7, 2023

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS)  a policy evaluation brief, Tele-Transformation in North Carolina: Telehealth Policy Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond and companion chart pack, are available under the heading “Academic and Policy Articles” on the NCDHHS Provider Telehealth Education webpage.

The brief highlights North Carolina’s approach to telehealth policymaking, both in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and thereafter, to serve as a model to other states undertaking telehealth policymaking and evaluation. This brief includes:

  1. an overview of North Carolina’s evolution in telehealth policy;
  2. the state’s decision-making criteria used to determine temporary and permanent telehealth policy changes;
  3. key findings from the state’s evaluation of telehealth utilization between March 2020 and December 2022 (with additional detail included in the chart pack); and
  4. considerations for other states.

For more information, visit the NCDHHS Provider Telehealth Education webpage.

NCDHHS Medical Abortion Informed Consent and Resources for Providers

June 30, 2023

Effective Saturday, July 1, 2023, there will be new requirements for informed consent, reporting, and patient information relating to abortion. Learn more about them and view forms here.

NCDHHS Awards Contract for Provider Data Management/Credentialing Verification Organization

March 9, 2023

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has awarded a contract to Optum to implement a new Provider Data Management/Credentialing Verification Organization (PDM/CVO) solution, scheduled to launch in 2024. Optum was selected after careful evaluation of the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint Contractors that responded to the state’s request for proposal.

The new PDM/CVO solution will coordinate enrollment, credentialing, and ongoing provider data maintenance as a multipayer system and applies to providers in all NCDHHS programs: Division of Health Benefits (NC Medicaid), Division of Mental Health (DMH), Division of Public Health (DPH) and Office of Rural Health (ORH). NCDHHS is committed to ensuring providers can continue to operate their business with minimal interruption during the transition to the new PDM/CVO.

As the PDM/CVO vendor, Optum will work closely with NCDHHS to ensure that the PDM/CVO solution will:

  • Align North Carolina’s provider enrollment and credentialing standards with the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Standards and Conditions
  • Improve multipayer services and the provider experience under a centralized credentialing process.
  • Offers enhanced security protocols, an interactive enrollment process collecting data using common accreditation standards and allows delegation within the organization for multiple users to complete an application.
  • Improves the provider notification process to streamline collaboration and effectively maintain provider data.

NCDHHS will support providers in the transition from the current enrollment process with education and outreach through webinars, stakeholder meetings, training workshops and communication bulletins, offering ongoing opportunities for providers to share feedback as the solution develops.

For additional information, please visit the NC Medicaid Provider Data Management / Credentialing Verification Organization webpage.

Children in the NC Health Choice Program Moving to Medicaid

February 13, 2023

On April 1, 2023, approximately 55,000 children receiving NC Health Choice health coverage will move to Medicaid and begin receiving additional physical and behavioral health services. This change will help save families money and increase access to care. NC Health Choice beneficiaries do not need to do anything to move to the Medicaid program. The move is automatic.

A provision included in the North Carolina state budget, approved in July 2022, directed the NC Department of Health and Human Services to move NC Health Choice beneficiaries to the Medicaid program.

Families with children moving from NC Health Choice to Medicaid will no longer have to pay enrollment fees or copays for medical visits and prescriptions. They will also have assistance getting to and from medical appointments through Non-Emergency Medical Transportation services and Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment — a benefit designed to discover and treat health conditions before they become serious.

People impacted by this change should look for a letter in the mail from their local Department of Social Services in early March. They will get a new Medicaid ID card in the mail; however, their Medicaid ID (Recipient ID) will not change. They can continue to use the card they have now until the new one arrives.

A press release announcing the move is available on the NCDHHS website. For more information, visit the NC Health Choice webpage at

Primary Care Behavioral Health CME

February 13, 2023

Please see the brochure for a Primary Care Behavioral Health training opportunity.

Provider Webinar July 28: Monkeypox update

July 21, 2022

The NC Department of Health and Human Services is committed to ensuring that providers have timely and relevant information about the monkeypox outbreak and response efforts in North Carolina. NC AHEC is partnering with NCDHHS to hold a webinar to provide this information. Providers will have an opportunity to ask questions of NCDHHS leaders regarding access to testing, treatment, vaccines and other issues related to this outbreak.

Please share webinar details with other providers who would benefit from this update.

Monkeypox Update for Providers
Thursday, July 28, 2022
6 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.

Register here.

NC Committee on Trauma Statewide Trauma Patient Management Conference

April 22, 2022

Please join virtually for a lively discussion as a panel of NC trauma experts provides their perspective on several interesting and challenging trauma cases. See additional details and registration link on the flyer below.

NC State Trauma Educational Conference Flyer -April ’22-QR Code

New “No Surprises Act” Resource for Emergency Physicians

January 24, 2022

ACEP has created a new section on its website that explains what the No Surprises Act is, and what it means for emergency physicians now that it’s gone into effect Jan 1.

Learning Opportunity  – Implementing the No Surprises Act Webinar – Thursday, January 20, Noon CT

January 13, 2022

Join the American Medical Association for a webinar on “Implementing the No Surprises Act.” The No Surprises Act, which aims to protect patients from the financial impact of surprise medical billing, became law on January 1. Learn what physicians need to do immediately to comply with the new law. Our experts will also address enforcement challenges and the interaction between state and federal surprise billing requirements.

Moderator: Bobby Mukkamala, MD, chair, AMA Board of Trustees

Featured speakers: Joel S. Ario, managing director, Manatt Health, Michael S. Kolber, partner, Manatt Health

Register here.

You’re Connected to NC HealthConnex – Do You Know How to Use It?

September 20, 2021

You’re connected to NC HealthConnex, but has your organization taken the time to understand how to best use the HIE to improve the quality of care for patients?

The NC HIEA and North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (NC AHEC) have partnered to provide you with a library of virtual and in-person training to show your practice how to use the many NC HealthConnex services. Curious how these trainings can help you? These offerings provide health care professionals with an introduction to NC HealthConnex and provide insight to the services offered and how they can serve your practice.

The modules below offer a stress-free method of receiving training and staying up-to-date on all applications. Registration for the following modules is required to receive a link to the training.

For more detailed instructions on how to use the training software, visit our Training and Resources webpage here. In addition, NC AHEC Practice Support is able to help practices with Medicaid managed care education and issue resolution at no cost to the practice. This resource is accessible via [email protected] with a dedicated practice support coach assigned to assist with your needs. NC AHEC Practice Support coaches also provide assistance with best practices in implementing NC HIE into your workflow and quality improvement activities.

Prepaid Health Plan Interest and Penalties for Provider Claims

September 17, 2021

In accordance with Section V. H.1.d of the NC PHP Contract, prepaid health plans (PHPs) are required to pay interest and penalties to providers if the PHP fails to accurately pay or inappropriately denies a clean claim within 30 calendar days of receipt of medical claims or within 14 calendar days of receipt for pharmacy claims.

  • This includes incorrect denials, and under- or partial-payments that are identified and paid on reprocessed claims.
  • It is the PHP’s responsibility to issue interest and penalty payments to providers when applicable.

A clean claim is a claim for services submitted to a PHP by an NC Medicaid Managed Care medical or pharmacy service provider which can be processed without obtaining additional information from the submitter in order to adjudicate the claim.

If the PHP fails to implement fee schedule changes and reprocess impacted claims with the correct rates within 45 calendar days of notification of a fee schedule change from NC Medicaid, the PHP must pay interest and penalties on the adjusted amount.

For more information, please see Medicaid bulletin Prepaid Health Plan Interest and Penalties for Provider Claims.

CDC Health Advisory and other NCMB news

September 15, 2021

Review The Forum for important information and updates from the NCMB.

NC DHHS Notice about Ivermectin

September 15, 2021

NC DHHS and Dr. Tilson released a public health notice related to potential inappropriate prescribing of ivermectin. In addition to citing concerning trends around increases to prescriptions for ivermectin, and calls to poison control and emergency department visits connected to the drug, Dr. Tilson is asking clinicians to counsel patients against inappropriate use of the medication. Talking points are included in the letter from Dr. Tilson.

NC Medicaid: Temporary Provisions for COVID-19 Surge: Post-Acute PA Exceptions and Hospital at Home Program

September 2, 2021

NC Medicaid is committed to ensuring that beneficiaries receive the care they need, including lower levels of care in post-acute facilities following inpatient hospital admission, when medically appropriate.

To support providers during the COVID-19 surge, NC Medicaid is implementing the following:

Temporary Suspension of Prior Authorization for Post-Acute Placements

  • Temporary Suspension of Prior Authorizations for New Nursing Home Admissions for those Who are Being Directly Discharged from a Hospital
  • Home Health Skilled Nursing Visits Reminder: Prior Authorization is not required prior to discharge from the hospital
  • Temporary Suspension of Prior Authorization for Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital and Long-Term Care Hospital Admissions under Managed Care
  • Reminder of Swing Bed Reimbursement Rates

Temporary Availability of the Hospital at Home

  • Effective Sept. 1, 2021, the Acute Hospital Care at Home program will be available to North Carolina hospitals that have been granted a waiver from CMS and service NC Medicaid beneficiaries. NC Medicaid is planning to implement this program to be effective Sept. 1 through Dec. 31, 2021, unless this flexibility is terminated prior to Dec. 31, 2021.

For detailed information, please see SPECIAL BULLETIN COVID-19 #178: Temporary Provisions for COVID Surge: Post-Acute PA Exceptions and Hospital at Home Program.

Expedited Hardship Advances for Managed Care Providers

August 19, 2021

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and prepaid health plans (PHPs) are committed to supporting providers during the transition to managed care. We stand by the Day One goal to ensure providers are paid for services they provide. DHHS and PHPs are aware of potentially delayed payments and increased claim denials during the transition period.

Providers experiencing claim payment issues should initially work with the PHPs to address claim issues and avoid the need for a hardship advance. Refer to the Guidance for Providers Experiencing Payment Issues bulletin for contact information.

As DHHS, PHPs and providers address the various claim processing problems, providers who are at risk of not meeting financial obligations this month as a result of claim processing issues may request a hardship advance to offset the business cost due to pended or denied claims.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work to resolve managed care transition claim issues. For more information, please see the Medicaid bulletin Expedited Hardship Advances for Managed Care Providers.

Confirming Medicaid Coverage for Beneficiaries

August 9, 2021

NC Medicaid has received reports of confusion in the field by providers and pharmacies when members do not present an ID card or when presented with a Medicaid member ID card that differs from the data shown in the NCTracks system.

To mitigate any confusion associated with newly issued Medicaid Managed Care member ID cards, providers and pharmacies should always use NCTracks Recipient Eligibility Verification/Response to confirm eligibility and not rely solely on the information shown on a Member ID Card.

Health plans are required to generate an identification card for each Member enrolled in their health plan that contains the Member’s North Carolina Medicaid or NC Health Choice Identification number. Some health plans also include their health plan member ID as well. However, member ID cards are not required to provide service, and this includes pharmacies as well. Therefore, members should not be turned away due to the lack of a Member ID card in their possession.

For more information, please see the Medicaid bulletin Confirming Medicaid Coverage for Beneficiaries.

Managed Care Launch

July 1, 2021

Starting today, July 1, nearly 1.6 million Medicaid beneficiaries in North Carolina will begin receiving the same Medicaid services in a new way through NC Medicaid Managed Care health plans (see the NCDHHS press release). Most beneficiaries will continue to get care from the same doctors they see today but will now be a member of a health plan. Some beneficiaries will not enroll with health plans and will remain in NC Medicaid Direct.

NCDHHS has leveraged the move to managed care to build an innovative health care delivery system that puts the health of beneficiaries at the forefront. Features of the state’s program include establishing a payment structure that rewards better health outcomes, integrating physical and behavioral health, and investing in non-medical interventions aimed at reducing costs and improving the health of Medicaid beneficiaries. Our goal for Day One of Medicaid Managed Care is that people get the care they need and providers get paid.

Please see the following resources to help with the Day One transition that we encourage you to share with your partners:

More information on NC Medicaid Managed Care can be found on the NC Medicaid website at

Medicaid Transformation News: Getting Ready for Medicaid Managed Care

June 29, 2021

With less than a week before the state ‘goes live’ with Medicaid managed care next Thursday, July 1, the NCMS and our partners and other stakeholders are working to make this an easier transition for you and your practice. The NCMS has compiled a helpful list of resources on our Medicaid Transformation page with links to all of the plans and the information they are sharing with Medicaid providers. View the NCMS Medicaid Transformation page.

As with any major change, there are sure to be things that do not go according to plan, and the NCMS and our partners have developed a process we hope will help our members deal with this momentous shift in how services will be delivered to patients covered by Medicaid. We have created a special form where you can log your issues with us. The purpose is to aggregate common complaints so we can communicate with the state and our contacts at each health plan what many members are experiencing. If issues occur, please reach out to the plan first to share your experience. If the issue persists, then you can complete our Medicaid Transformation Issues form.

Stay tuned to your NCMS Morning Rounds and your email for updates on the process to log your issues with us and how we will work to resolve them.

If you have questions that can’t be answered via the plan or the resources on our page, please email us here.

Health Equity Payment Initiative Survey for Medicaid Providers

June 28, 2021

All Carolina Access Providers who received health equity payments are asked to take 5-10 minutes to complete this survey by July 16, 2021. The survey allows DHHS to monitor and evaluate how these payments were used.

Practices receiving enhanced payments must complete a practice survey following this health equity initiative; failure to complete the survey may result in NC DHHS recouping payments.

In March of 2021, NC Medicaid announced the health equity payment initiative, providing certain Carolina Access providers serving Medicaid beneficiaries from high poverty areas of the State enhanced payments for a 3-month period to achieve health equity among North Carolina’s Medicaid population.

The initiative aimed to improve access to primary care and preventive services for Medicaid and NC Health Choice beneficiaries in North Carolina at a time when historically marginalized populations face challenges highlighted during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

CSRS Reporting Mandate Going into Effect July 7

June 21, 2021

A STOP Act requirement to check the NC Controlled Substances Reporting System (NC CSRS) before prescribing certain controlled substances will be in effect as of July 7, NCMB has been advised by the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS). Physicians, physician assistants and other controlled substances prescribers who are not already registered and using NC CSRS should register now to ensure they are in compliance by July 7. Read more information here.

NCMS Leadership Openings – Applications Due May 15th

April 27, 2021

For all interested, the NCMS is accepting nominations for Board Member at Large and Nominating and Leadership Development Committee members. You may access the Nomination Form here. Applications are due by May 15, 2021.

New Health Policy Scholar Grant Opportunity – Application Deadline is June 11, 2021

April 27, 2021

The Emergency Medicine Foundation and the Emergency Medicine Policy Institute are pleased to release a new funding opportunity, the Health Policy Research Scholar Award.  The goals of the EMPI/EMF Health Policy Research Scholar Award Program are 1) to promote research on health policy affecting emergency care, 2) to  answer topical health policy questions affecting emergency medical care, and 3) to facilitate the academic growth, advanced education, and development of future leaders in emergency care health policy and thereby invest in the future of the specialty of emergency medicine.

Eligible applicants include graduates of an ACGME approved emergency medicine residency or pediatric emergency medicine training program at the beginning of the funding period.

EMPI/EMF encourages applications with a focus on one of the priority areas:

  •          Cost and value of emergency care
  •          Financing and economics of emergency care
  •          Innovation and diversification of emergency care delivery

Access the Request for Proposal at

Workforce Taskforce Report Summary

April 15, 2021

On behalf of the ACEP Board of Directors, we are sharing a few important updates on the recent webinar where the findings of the Emergency Medicine Physician Workforce: Projections for 2030 were released and preliminary ideas were presented by the leaders of the Workforce Taskforce member organizations.

It is now the task of all emergency medicine to translate the data from the report and these initial ideas into action plans that will stabilize and strengthen emergency medicine.

From ACEP’s perspective, there are 8 key considerations we are committed to addressing:

  • Stem the growth of emergency medicine residents and residency programs
  • Raise the bar and ensure consistency across emergency medicine residency training
  • Ensure business interests are not superseding the needs of educating the workforce
  • Support practicing physicians to encourage rewarding practice in all communities
  • Advocate that NPs and PAs working in the unique environment of emergency department have sufficient specialty training and work as a member of the emergency physician-led team
  • Set the standards for emergency medicine so every patient has access to a board-certified emergency physician
  • Broaden the umbrella to expand emergency medicine physician scope of practice
  • Expand the reach of emergency medicine to ensure that no community is left behind

There is not one perfect, holistic solution to address market-driven industry instability. Change will take time and precision. Any successes will require the coordinated involvement of the entire specialty, with each stakeholder organization playing a unique role in the process.

Now is time for us to listen as we invite all emergency physicians to share your ideas for solutions. We are inviting ACEP’s chapters and sections to host town hall style discussion forums to talk about next steps. We are encouraging our partner organizations to do the same. Please look for these opportunities to participate and be a part of shaping the next generation of emergency medicine.

If you haven’t already, please watch the recent webinar with the research review and some initial ideas.

Read the Brief Summary prepared by ACEP’s Board for more detail.

Join the ongoing conversation in the Workforce discussion forum or use the [email protected] email address to submit thoughts and ideas.

Lastly, be sure to bookmark this page as we will continue to update you on all efforts across the stakeholder organizations.

Provider Data and Provider Verification Updates

April 14, 2021

NCTracks Changes to Provider Verification Process

Currently, NCTracks sends notifications for expiring credentials (licenses, certifications and accreditations) to all enrolled providers required to be licensed, certified and/or accredited. These notices are sent to the Provider Message Center Inbox beginning 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the credential.

Effective May 9, 2021, NC Medicaid is taking additional steps to ensure providers meet their contractual obligation and responsibility to keep credentials current on their NCTracks enrollment record by making system modifications to begin a process of 45 and 60 day notifications of suspension if a provider fails to update their credential prior to the expiration date on file with NCTracks. Providers were first informed of this forthcoming system modification in March of 2018.

Choosing from providers with complete and up-to-date licensure, certification and accreditation information allows NC Medicaid beneficiaries to make informed choices to achieve the best health outcomes. System modifications alerting providers to update expiring credentials will assist providers in meeting federal and State enrollment and credentialing requirements and will assist NC Medicaid in removing unlicensed providers and expired credentials from provider records. With updated provider information, NC Medicaid will be able to transmit accurate provider data to health plans and other departmental partners who serve Medicaid beneficiaries.

Please see NCTracks Changes to Provider Verification Process for additional information on the timeline for notifications, suspension and termination as well as what happens when credentials expire.

Provider Data Updates

Providing the most accurate and complete provider information is a top priority so Medicaid and NC Health Choice beneficiaries can make the most informed choice for their health plan and primary care provider. NCTracks is the “system of record” for provider enrollment data, which is then shared with health plans to inform contracting and provider directories.

In our review, the primary challenge with accurate data has been encouraging providers to keep their information accurate and current on all applicable enrollment records. If provider information is not current, then the data that flows forward to the health plans and the enrollment broker will not be accurate.

It is critical that all providers take the time now to review their provider records in NCTracks and submit changes as needed using the Manage Change Request (MCR) process.

Please see Provider Data Updates for additional information and resources.

Medicaid Health Plan Meet and Greet

March 16, 2021

With open enrollment underway as of yesterday for Medicaid managed care, if your practice has not yet contracted with one of the pre-paid health plans — or even if you have — here is an opportunity to get your questions answered. NC Medicaid in partnership with NC AHEC will host a series of virtual Health Plan Meet and Greet Sessions beginning next Tuesday, March 23.

Representatives from each of the five contracted health plans will be available to address your concerns and questions about the state’s transition from Medicaid fee-for-service to Medicaid managed care, slated to ‘go-live’ on July 1. Sessions will be delivered live with a recording and transcript made available after each event at NC AHEC’s Medicaid Managed Care webpage. And be sure to check out that page for other learning opportunities as North Carolina gets closer to this major shift in its Medicaid program.

The first session will be for primary care and specialty providers on Tuesday, March 23 beginning with Amerihealth Caritas at 7:45 a.m., followed by Carolina Complete Health at 9:30 a.m.

Learn more and access the links for each session by scrolling to the bottom of NC AHEC’s webpage.

NC Medicaid Enrollment Call Center and Website are Live

March 2, 2021

NCDHHS has begun mailing enrollment packets statewide and launched new resources for beneficiaries as it prepares for NC Medicaid Managed Care Open Enrollment which begins on March 15, 2021. Beneficiaries can now call the NC Medicaid Enrollment Call Center to learn more about NC Medicaid Managed Care and can download a free beneficiary enrollment mobile app. These new tools, as well as the NC Medicaid enrollment website, will assist beneficiaries in choosing a primary care provider (PCP) and a health plan for their families’ care. Some people will not need to choose a health plan because of the type of health services they need.

The NC Medicaid Enrollment Call Center number is 833-870-5500/TTY: 833-870-5588. The free mobile app, called NC Medicaid Managed Care is available on Google Play or the App Store. Mailing of enrollment packets is being done in batches and should arrive at beneficiary homes by Monday, March 15, 2021. Open enrollment officially begins March 15, but beneficiaries can proceed now with online enrollment, or call the NC Medicaid Enrollment Call Center for assistance.

NC Medicaid Help Center Now Available for Providers

March 2, 2021

In addition to the NC Medicaid Provider webpage, Medicaid and NC Health Choice providers now have a supplemental resource to research their questions and submit inquiries. The NC Medicaid Help Center launched today as an online source of information about Managed Care, COVID-19 and Medicaid and behavioral health services, and is also used to view answers to questions from the NC Medicaid Help Center mailbox, webinars and other sources. Formerly referenced as the “SWAT Command Center,” the NC Medicaid Help Center also includes resource documents such as standard and COVID-19 Medicaid Bulletins. A Medicaid bulletin has been posted with more detail.

NCDHHS Transition of Care Policy

February 26, 2021

NC Medicaid is pleased to release the NC Department of Health and Human Services Transition of Care Policy which describes key design features related to maintaining continuity of care for each Member and minimizing the burden on providers during transitions between service delivery systems. Please submit comments and questions about the Policy to [email protected].

NC Medicaid will host a webinar overview of the TOC Policy on Thursday, March 11, 2021 from 12 noon to 1 p.m.  Please pre-register for the webinar.

Health Care Professionals Series to Address Medicaid Transformation

September 30, 2020

The next installment of the “Health Care Professionals Webinar Series” will run this Thursday, October 1, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and will continue on the first Thursday of every month.

This series will focus on Managed Care and be hosted by Dr. Shannon Dowler, Chief Medical Officer, NC Division of Health Benefits and moderated by Hugh Tilson, Director, NC AHEC Program.

Thursday’s topic is Better with Time: Medicaid Transformation State of Things.

This webinar will focus on:

  • Managed Care 101: Reminders and Timeline
  • Get to Know Your CMOs
  • What You Can Do NOW to be Ready LATER
  • Medicaid Hot Topic Updates
  • Q & A

Click here to register!

Research Survey Study: PTSD Symptoms in ED Physicians during COVID-19

September 28, 2020

Duke University, in collaboration with the ACEP Wellness Section, is looking for physicians working in Emergency Departments across the United States to participate a research study entitled “Prevalence & Predictors of PTSD Symptoms among Emergency Physicians in the United States during the COVID-19 outbreak.” Participation in this study is voluntary.

Eligibility Criteria:
·       US Board-Certified/Board-Eligible Emergency Medicine Physician
·       Emergency Medicine Resident in the United States
·       US Non-EM Physician working in an EM setting

The purpose of this study is provide information about the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms among Emergency Medicine physicians nationwide in the United States following the COVID-19 pandemic, and to explore other related factors including predictors of these symptoms.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey about your experiences as an Emergency Room physician during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey may contain questions that are sensitive or upsetting. You may skip any questions that make you uncomfortable or that you do not wish to answer. No information that can identify you will be collected and your name and contact information will not be linked with the survey results. This survey should take you about 10 minutes to complete.

NCMB Launches MedBoard Matters Podcast

September 21, 2020

NCMB has announced the launch of their podcast, MedBoard Matters. The podcast will highlight important issues in medicine and medical regulation. The goal is to present compelling content in an easy-to-digest and enjoyable format. The very first episode is on suicide prevention awareness. Jean Fisher Brinkley had a great and uplifting conversation about a very heavy topic with Dr. Christine Moutier, Chief Medical Officer for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Moutier discusses ways to overcome stigma associated with mental health issues in medical professionals and strategies and resources for getting help – as well as what to do if a colleague is in crisis.

The episode has been published in recognition of Physician Suicide Awareness Day, September 17th.

Here is a link to the episode: We hope that folks will subscribe by searching for “MedBoard Matters” on their podcast platform of choice so they can be notified of future episodes.

If NCCEP members have questions they have always wanted to ask the Board, or ideas for specific topics for future episodes on MedBoard Matters, we would love to get feedback! Send suggestions and questions to [email protected].

ACEP Candidates for President-Elect and Board

September 11, 2020

Here is an updated schedule of calls being held by the president-elect and Board candidates.

Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms (FASTER) Award Recipients Announced

September 11, 2020

North Carolina is participating in the FASTER program. See more information below:

The CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention announces funding to 10 state health departments to gather surveillance data in near-real time on emergency visits for nonfatal firearm injuries. This competitively awarded funding falls under CDC-RFA-CE20-2005, Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms (FASTER).

CDC awarded a total of $2,224,482 distributed among 10 recipients:

  • District of Columbia Department of Health
  • Florida Department of Health
  • Georgia Department of Health
  • New Mexico Department of Health
  • North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
  • Oregon Health Authority
  • Utah Department of Health
  • Virginia Department of Health
  • Washington State Department of Health
  • West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services

Timely state- and local-level data on ED visits for nonfatal firearm injuries are currently limited. The collection of near-real-time data on ED visits for nonfatal firearm injuries overall and by intent (intentional self-directed, unintentional, and assault-related) at the state and local level could improve state and local practitioners’ ability to identify and respond to emerging public health problems.

The goal of this award is for recipients to improve the timeliness and dissemination of surveillance data of ED visits for nonfatal firearm injuries. Collaboration among states will include sharing data to strengthen syndrome definitions, data collection methods, analysis of surveillance data, and presentation and dissemination of findings.

Additionally, this collaborative award will result in tools and methods that can be used by state and local health departments across the nation to rapidly track and respond to firearm injuries.

Learn More

CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention 
Firearm Violence Prevention 

COVID-19 Resources

Apr 1, 2020

We know there is a lot of information already coming your way, but we wanted to share some resources with you. Keep up the great work, and know that you are appreciated!

  • ACEP COVID-19 Clinical Alerts – Learn More
  • ACEP COVID-19 Field Guide – Learn More
  • ACEP COVID-19 Physician Wellness – Learn More
  • ACEP COVID-19 Discounts and Support – Learn More
  • CDC Guidance for Healthcare Professionals – Learn More
  • NC DHHS Guidance and Information – Learn More
  • NC Medical Board’s Latest Updates – Learn More
  • Help finding child care for health care and emergency employers – Learn More

“Preemptive” prescribing for COVID-19: A message from the NCMB President

Mar 25, 2020

The NC Medical Board distributed to all physicians and PAs regarding reports of preemptive prescribing of chloroquine and other medications for COVID-19. There is no policy change, but rather a reminder of appropriate prescribing and a warning about straining supplies of these medications. The Board is publishing all of its latest updates on this resource page.

Merit Badges

Feb 19, 2020

Need a Card That Says You Exceed the Need for a Merit Badge?
ACEP believes that certification by ABEM or AOBEM supersedes the need for so-called “merit badge” short courses and opposes such requirements for board certified EPs. Many credentialing bodies, however, still require physicians to produce evidence of completion of the short courses. For members required to have such a card, ACEP offers its members a set of personalized cards online.

Scam Alert: NC Medical Board Urges Awareness and Caution

Dec 6, 2019

The North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB) recently issued an alert urging physicians and physician assistants to beware of telephone calls from individuals claiming to be investigators from the Board. The callers have been saying the physician or PA is under investigation and asking for personal or financial information. Such calls are not legitimate.

The NCMB does NOT contact licensees by telephone to give notice of pending action or investigation. If you receive such a suspicious call, hang up and do not release any information.

If you have questions, please send an email.

ACEP Wellness & Assistance Program

Nov 5, 2019

At ACEP19 in Denver, ACEP launched the ACEP Wellness & Assistance Program. This service is now available to all members and provides access to three, FREE confidential counseling or wellness coaching sessions.

Call 1-800-873-7138 to register and receive support whenever, however you need it.

  • Counseling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Sessions can cover stress, anxiety, depression, family issues, drug and alcohol abuse, relationships, death, grief, and more
  • The service is strictly confidential and can be scheduled face-to-face, over the phone, via text, or through online messaging
  • Wellness coaching sessions are 30-minute phone calls to help reach your personal wellness goals which can include weight loss, nutrition, healthy habits, stress, caffeine reduction, injury recovery, relationships, sleep, smoking cessation, and more

You may choose to use your three sessions using any combination of counseling and wellness coaching, up to the session limit.

If interested, ACEP members can pay just $15 a year to have additional resources to manage legal and financial issues through our partner, Mines & Associates. Participants will have unlimited access to an extensive online resource library and unlimited 30-minute in-person consultations for each individual legal or financial matter and a 25% discount on legal and financial services within the Mines network.

Learn More

Dr. Kyle Roedersheimer Recognized for Work with Shelter Health Services

Mar 19, 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Kyle Roedersheimer, NCCEP Resident Board Member, on his recognition by Shelter Health Services in Charlotte, NC for his work as a volunteer physician, board member, and SHS-CMC EM Liaison.

The plaque (on the clinic wall) reads: “Thank you for your dedication and commitment to providing physician care to uninsured, medically indigent, homeless women and children living in poverty and staying in the Salvation Army Center of Hope shelter. Without your regular volunteering in the clinic and at Saturday Health Fairs, they would truly lack access to healthcare and medical services. Thank you also for being on the clinic’s Board of Directors and primary liaison to recruit volunteer physicians from Atrium Health Emergency Medicine Department.”

Shelter Health Services is a free health clinic providing healthcare and health information to uninsured, medically indigent, homeless women and children living in poverty and staying in the Salvation Army Center of Hope, the region’s largest shelter for homeless women and children. All shelter residents may access our free walk-in clinic simply by showing their shelter ID. Lacking money, Medicaid and mobility, for most of our clients, the free clinic is their only source of healthcare.

Dr. Tommy Bernard Appointed to NC Human Trafficking Commission

Mar 19, 2019

Congratulations to NCCEP Board Member Dr. Tommy Bernard on his recent appointment by Governor Cooper to the NC Human Trafficking Commission. Fighting human trafficking is one of Dr. Bernard’s passions, and he hopes to make a difference as physicians are often the first point of contact for human trafficking victims. Prior to Dr. Bernard, there wasn’t any physician representation on the NC Human Trafficking Commission. The N.C. Human Trafficking Commission was established in 2012, and studies and combats human trafficking in the state, develops regional response teams to address trafficking, and helps identify gaps in law enforcement’s response to the problem.

ACEP18 Council Update

Oct 23, 2018

Jennifer Casaletto, MD, FACEP
Board of Directors and Councillor, North Carolina College of Emergency Physicians

Political satirist Paul Paulsen once proclaimed, “Assuming either the Left Wing or the Right Wing gained control of the country, it would probably fly around in circles.” While we might be very close to verifying the veracity of Paulsen’s prediction on a federal level, you’ll be happy to know that our 51%-49% Red-Blue divided ACEP Council came together to accept 32 and defeat 5 resolutions during its annual two-day meeting. Three resolutions were referred to the ACEP Board of Directors for further consideration addressing: generic injectable drug shortages, development of ACEP policy regarding immigration, and revision of ACEP policy regarding the qualifications of expert witnesses.

For those members unfamiliar with the Council, it is a deliberative body of ACEP members representing the 53 chartered ACEP chapters (50 states, District of Columbia, Government Services, and Puerto Rico), the Sections of Membership (Young Physicians, EMS, etc.), Emergency Medicine Residents Association (EMRA), Council of Residency Directors (CORD), Association of Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine (AACEM), and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM). The Council debates and votes on resolutions submitted by no less than two members or component bodies. Ultimately, the actions of the Council are considered and ratified by the ACEP Board of Directors (BOD). In addition, the Council elects the members of the Board of directors and the ACEP President-Elect.

Learn More

NC Alert: Life-threatening Coagulopathy associated with Synthetic Cannabinoids

Aug 2, 2018

Three cases of coagulopathy in patients reporting synthetic cannabinoids use have been reported in North Carolina. See the NC DHHS Provider Memo for more details and recommendations (including case reporting info) and the most recent CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) which includes multiple states reporting more than 200 cases through May 2018.

Click the links below for additional information:

North Carolina Statewide Opioid Overdose Surveillance: May 2018 Update

Jul 9, 2018

The Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, NC Division of Public Health has posted an update of provisional data on opioid-related poisoning deaths (NC OCME), opioid overdose emergency department visits (NC DETECT), and statewide harm reduction data (NCHRC).

All reports are posted to the website linked here and below.

NC DETECT Opioid Overdose ED Visits Reports

NC OCME Poisoning Deaths Surveillance Reports

NC Harm Reduction Slides

CDC Clinical Action Outbreak Alert: Potential Life-Threatening Vitamin K-Dependent Antagonist Coagulopathy Associated With Synthetic Cannabinoids Use

Apr 9, 2018

Please see the CDC Clinical Action Outbreak Alert regarding bleeding problems associated with synthetic cannabinoids use. We are not aware of any similar cases in North Carolina. Clinicians caring for patients with suspected suspect vitamin K-dependent coagulopathy associated with synthetic cannabinoid use are encouraged to contact the Carolinas Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 for questions about diagnostic testing or management.

ED Based Peer Support Request for Applications

Mar 6, 2018

The North Carolina Healthcare Association is soliciting applications to participate in The North Carolina Emergency Department Peer Support Program for Improving Response to Opioid Overdose. Please see the request for application and the application below. All acute care hospitals with accredited emergency departments are eligible for application. Health systems are encouraged to work together and select one site for which to submit an application. The award is dependent and contingent upon selection and subject to the availability of funds. All questions may be submitted to Jai Kumar at [email protected], until May 20th, 2018. The application period will run until March 30th, 2018 until 5:00pm. Incomplete or late applications will be ineligible for consideration.

EDPS Application (PDF)

Required for Submission:

  • Completed application form with all questions answers and required signatures.
  • Completed budget and budget justification. Include all sources of revenue for your peer support programs, staffing allocations, and all relevant program expenses.
  • Letters of support or commitment documentation from key community partners: LME/MCO; Hospital Administration.
  • An organizational chart for the program.
  • Narrative explaining need, willingness to engage, commitment to data submission, and community readiness.
  • Applications should be no more than 4 pages excluding attachments.
  • Electronic application submissions only.
  • Applications must be submitted no later than March 30th, 2018

ATTN: Jai Kumar, MPH, Director of Planning & Development, NC Hospital Foundation.

Treating Sickle Cell Patients in the ED – Toolkit

Feb 28, 2018

Please review the informational PDF regarding caring for individuals with sickle cell disease in the emergency department.